Food Procurement

We are actively recruiting new members! Please reach out if you are producers, municipal employees, institutional employees, food business owners or managers, or residents who care about food policy and expanding local sourcing from farms to institutions in Wake County.

Reach out to the lead and sign up for our newsletter below to stay involved!

Circle Lead:
Trevor Hyde, Local Food Systems Agent, Wake County Cooperative Extension,

Circle Purpose:

This Circle aims to implement “good food purchasing” practices in line in Wake County; we strive towards a transparent and equitable food system that prioritizes local producers, improves local economies, and increases the provision of fresh, local, healthy food in Wake County schools, hospitals, and other large institutions.

Current Activities

  • Researching successes and challenges in other cities who have implemented the Good Food Purchasing Program

  • Understanding the current sourcing practices of Wake County institutions

  • Identifying potential institutional partners for a pilot program

  • Identifying the values and processes that should govern Wake County food procurement

  • Creating an advocacy strategy to highlight this issue for policymakers and the public

Circle Resources